Learn to bake a cake with Scott and Frank, ASME section IX WPS review

Have you ever tried to bake a cake without following a recipe? Most likely it didn't turn out too well. The same could be said for attempting to perform a weld repair without following a proper WPS. Ok well maybe the ladder has some legal implications but you get the analogy. If you have ever struggled to navigate the crown jewel of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel codes "ASME section IX" or perhaps found it too daunting to even attempt. Then this is the episode you have been waiting for. Get your copy of ASME section IX ready and follow along as Frank and Scott attempt to tame the beast in part 1 of what has the making to be the best mini-series the boys have put together yet. If you thought ASME section IX was confusing before wait until you hear your hosts stumble through this one.

The cake boss has nothing on our PQR's.

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Have your cake and eat it too. Conclusion to ASME section IX WPS review.


The great migration